The Characteristics of Different Types of Sodium Hexafluoroaluminate

 Sodium hexafluoroaluminate is also called cryolite, which sounds very good. It is a tasteless mineral of white, fine crystals, which has a greater solubility than natural cryolite. Easy to absorb water and become damp, it is mainly used as a cosolvent in aluminum electrolysis industry, a wear-resistant filler for rubber and grinding wheels, and an opalizer for glass and enamel, etc.


Sodium hexafluoroaluminate can be divided into high molecular weight sodium hexafluoroaluminate and low molecular weight sodium hexafluoroaluminate according to its molecular ratio of sodium to aluminum. According to its physical properties, it can be divided into sandy cryolite, granular cryolite and powdered cryolite. The shapes, functions and requirements are also different. Next, SATA will explain it to everyone.


. The characteristics of sandy sodium hexafluoroaluminate


1. Its low melting point and fast melting speed can shorten the time to enter normal working state.


2. Its molecular ratio can be adjusted in a large range, which can adapt to the different requirements of the cryolite molecular ratio in different periods of the electrolytic cell.


3. Sodium hexafluoroaluminate has low water content and low fluorine loss.


4. Sodium hexafluoroaluminate is granular with good fluidity, which is good for conveying.


5. The raw materials are easily available and the production cost is low.


. The characteristics of powdered sodium hexafluoroaluminate


1. A higher particle size can be achieved, usually above 200 mesh;


2. The molecular ratio can be 1.75-2.5, with good adjustability;


3. As an ultra-fine product, the pass rate of 325 mesh is over 98%, which can meet the requirements of sodium hexafluoroaluminate in special industries.


. The characteristics of granular sodium hexafluoroaluminate


1. With good fluidity and no dust pollution, it is suitable for mechanized cutting;


2. Its high actual yield in electrolytic production can reduce the cost of electrolytic aluminum;


3. Its molecular ratio is between 2.5-3.0, which is especially suitable for the opening of the electrolyte;


4. The sizes of particles are mostly 1-10mm.




Main Components of Deslagging Agent

Degassing Flux

Drossing-Off Flux